YSEALI Professional Fellows Program 2025 in USA (Fully Funded)

The YSEALI Professional Fellows Program in the USA is a fully-funded exchange program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. It is a five to six-week fully funded fellowship for Young Leaders to gain relevant fellowship experiences at non-profit, public, or private sector organizations in the United States. The YSEALI PFP is fully funded. International travel, visa, and basic living costs in the U.S. are covered. Fellows will not pay any Fee.

The Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Professional Fellows Program is designed to promote mutual understanding, enhance the leadership skills of the fellows, and build long-lasting relationships between the Leaders in Southeast Asia and the United States. As a YSEALI Professional Fellow, participants will share ideas, and develop possible approaches, and strategies to pressing local and global challenges. More details about the YSEALI Professional Fellowship 2025 are given below.

Details About YSEALI Professional Fellows Program 2025 in the USA

  • Host Country: USA
  • Fellowship Duration: Six weeks
  • Who can Apply: Young Leaders from Southeast Asian Countries
  • Benefits: Fully Funded
  • Deadline:17th October 2024

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The YSEALI will cover:

  • International Travel Cost
  • Visa Cost
  • Living Cost

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YSEALI PFP 2025 Themes

The fellowship is administered under four themes. The YSEALI Professional Fellows Program offers leadership and professional development opportunities under each of the following Institute themes:

  • Civic Engagement
  • Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Empowerment
  • Society and Governance
  • Sustainability, and the Environment.

Fellows will be asked in the online application to choose the preferred theme in the order. Not sure, which theme is suitable for you? Check it out below.

Civic Engagement

The Civic Engagement Institutes will help fellows who are involved in Non-profit organizations, Community building, Advocating for change, Teaching and training people, Media and journalism, Law, Making healthcare fair, Working with young people, and Helping people who are treated unfairly.

Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Empowerment

The Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Empowerment Institutes will support professionals involved in small and medium-sized business development, business administration, business education, economic development policy, social entrepreneurship, and community training programs.

Society and Governance

The Society and Governance Institutes will support professionals involved in the legislative process, governance at the local or national level, public administration and management, policy making, fiscal management, political campaigns and initiatives, health and human services, public-private partnerships, public safety, transportation and urban planning, and law and judicial reform.

Sustainability, and the Environment

The Sustainability and the Environment Institutes will support professionals involved in food and water security, public health, ecotourism, the innovative development and management of agricultural and food systems, energy, housing, and transportation resources, natural disaster response, natural resource conservation and restoration, and waste management.

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Eligibility Criteria

  • Be a Citizen and resident of One of these countries: Burma, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Singapore, Philippines, Timor Leste, Thailand, or Vietnam. These are the Southeast Asian countries.
  • You must be an emerging leader in Government, Non-profit organizations, and Businesses and have relevant experience in the area you want to apply for.
  • You must have worked in a related field for at least two years.
  • You must be between 25 and 35 years old.
  • You should be able to work well with people from different cultures.
  • You should have a project in mind that you want to do at your job or in your community.
  • You should be good at writing and speaking English.
  • You should be a good leader and able to work well with others.

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Required Documents

  • Proof that you are eligible to apply
  • Your education history
  • Your work experience
  • Your resume or CV
  • Three essays about why you want to apply, how it will help your community, and what you will do with what you learn
  • Two Recommendation letters
  • Signed agreements about the program

How to Apply for the YSEALI Professional Fellows Program 2025?

YSEALI PFP 2025 Application is NOW open until October 17! Applicants have to complete the online application, the application can be accessed online in the AIS Forms portal.

You will be asked in the online application about the order of a theme and you will get to know about the Dates of each cycle in the application. The official link is given below.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the YSEALI Professional Fellowship?

YSEALI Professional Fellowship is a program for emerging leaders from Southeast Asia to gain professional experience in the US.

Is YSEALI fully funded?

Yes, YSEALI is fully funded. It covered International Travel costs, Visa costs, and a stipend for living expenses.

How long is the YSEALI academic fellowship?

The fellowship lasts 5-6 weeks. For more information please read YSEALI FAQs


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