Reagan Fascell Democracy Fellowship 2025 in USA (Fully Funded)

The Reagan Fascell Democracy Fellowship is a fully funded international exchange program in the United States for mid-career professionals, democracy activists, journalists, civil society leaders, and scholars from around the world to spend five months in residence at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), in Washington, D.C. The fellowships allow participants to carry out independent research on democracy in a particular country or region. Monthly Stipend, meals, accommodation, airfare, fully equipped office, local transport, and health insurance are covered. This is a fully funded international exchange program in the USA.

Details About Reagan Fascell Democracy Fellowship 2025 in the USA 

  • Host Country: USA
  • Funded by: National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
  • Duration: Five months
  • Benefits: Fully Funded
  • Deadline: 1st November 2024

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Two Tracks of the Reagan Fascell Democracy Fellowship

  • Practitioners
  • Scholars

Practitioners as well as scholars will work on specific democracy-related projects. The projects must be focused on political, social, economic, legal, or cultural aspects of democratic development.

The Reagan Fascell Democracy offers a five-month fellowship for practitioners and fivemonth fellowships for scholars.

Practitioners Track: This track allows individuals from developing countries to learn and develop more effective strategies for promoting democratic values and practices. Generally, mid-career professionals with some years of work experience should apply for the Practitioner track. There are no specific degree requirements for the practitioner track as well as no age limits.

Scholars Track: Scholarly track applicants must demonstrate their expertise through a doctoral degree, publications, and a well-defined research project.

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Examples of Eligible Candidates for Practitioners Track

This includes human rights advocates, civil society leaders, political party figures, human rights lawyers, parliamentarians, labor union activists, journalists, and other members of the media.

Examples of Eligible Candidates for Scholars Track

This includes college and university professors, analysts at research centers and think tanks, writers, and public intellectuals.

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Financial Benefits

Fellows will receive:

  • A monthly stipend.
  • Comprehensive health insurance.
  • A furnished rental apartment.
  • Roundtrip travel to and from Washington, D.C.
  • Living expenses, including food, local transportation, and other necessities.
  • A fully equipped office.
  • Reimbursement for long-distance phone calls and professional trips (within a limited budget).
  • Fellows must obtain a J-1 exchange visitor visa to travel to the United States and Family members must obtain a J-2 visa.

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Eligibility Criteria

All applicants must:

  • Proficient in English
  • Propose a project focused on political, social, economic, legal, or cultural aspects of democratic development.
  • Be available for the five-month fellowship period (October 1st to February 28 or March 1-July 31).
  • For the Practitioner track: Mid-career professionals must have significant practical experience promoting democracy or human rights in their country of origin or interest.
  • For the Scholarly track: Applicants must possess a doctorate, have a proven record of publications in their field, and have developed a detailed research outline for their fellowship project.

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Required Documents

  • Applicant information
  • Project proposal for the practitioner or the scholarly fellowship track
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Resume/CV and Biography

How to Apply for the Reagan Fascell Democracy Fellowship?

Fellows must create an account through an online portal. The link to the official website is given below.


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